Mac Atlantic BBS 201-543-6950 3/7/92 Bill Trubeck WWIV;2400 bd;FidoNet 1:269/403
NITEMAER BBS 201-569-4074 3/7/92 2400 bd;Hermes
Macintosh BBS 201-666-2013 3/7/92 Robert J. Gallo, M.D. [75465,1411] {DR.GALLO} SS;2400 bd;9600 HST/DS;FidoNet 1:2604/203; MacList 6:6001/4; $fee for DL access
AllNet 408-736-2607 1/29/92 Alfred John Frugoli 2400 bd;FidoNet 1:143/205;SS;FirstClass BBS;9600;formerly Sphynx BBS
Sunnyvale Fido Connection 408-738-1119 1/22/92 Mike Steiner 2400 bd;messages only, no files;FidoNet 1:143/207.2
THE MouseHole xxx-xxx-xxxx 2/24/92 Larry Nedry [71566,650] 2400 bd;Galacticomm BBS;programming/tech info;MacTutor magazine code disk downloads;check MacTutor for current phone number
SuperMac BBS 408-773-4500 7/15/91 Dina Sakahara, Fabian Ramirez 2400 bd;HS;SS;tech-support for SuperMac products
MacScience! BBS 408-866-4933 7/15/91 Ray Terry N6PHJ 2400 bd;HS (HST);SS;FidoNet 1:143/36
Symantec BBS 408-973-9598 7/15/91 2400 bd;Symantec product support
Major League BBS 408-997-8591 2/1/92 2400 bd;HS;IBM & Mac areas;Fidonet 1:143/313
Johns Hopkins U BBS (JHUBBS) 410-467-7814 4/3/92 Johnnie [71477,507] 2400 bd;Telefinder;online games;registration fee;IBM & Mac; 14.4 HS line 410-235-1051
Whitegold! 410-922-7569 10/22/91 Timothy Waire TeleFinder;$50/yr for 120 min/day;see also -7743
Whitegold! 410-922-7743 10/22/91 Timothy Waire TeleFinder;demo login GUEST, pswd GUEST;$50/yr for 120 min/day;see also -7569
Berkeley Mac Users Group 415-849-1795 4/26/91 Raines Cohen <BMUG> 2400 bd;TBBS;limited access for non-BMUG;voice line 415-849-4357;Fidonet 1:161/444;HS;new number ?
Psychic Link BBS 415-849-3539 8/7/90 /Arcana/ Mac/Amiga;2400 bd;Hermes
Coconino County BBS 415-861-8290 2/1/92 Fidonet 1:125/28
Fog City 415-863-9697 9/9/90 2400 bd;FidoNet 125/100;Gay Mac Users Group
MicroLINK 415-898-1696 4/28/90 Jeff Baudin 2400 bd;RRH;EE
Macintosh Tribune 415-923-1235 8/1/89 Vern Keenan MacWEEK [76077,1351] 2400 bd;Fido 125/444;new name
Thought Plane 415-932-8293 11/25/90 /LeGarre/ NovaLink;temporarily down
High Concepts 504-391-2925 10/18/90 2400 bd;FidoNet 1:396/16
GAMER Project BBS 504-467-0574 3/24/92 Bob Nordling [70521,1327] 2400 bd;TeleFinder;National Home & School MUG $ membership required for full access
SportsLINE New Orleans 504-522-4060 3/24/92 Eric Semel [71271, 2472] 2400 bd; Telefinder;Fidonet 1:396/40; alt. lines 504-528-9666 (2400 bd) and 504-524-0480 (HST)
SportsLINE New Orleans 504-524-0480 3/24/92 Eric Semel [71271, 2472] HST; Telefinder;Fidonet 1:396/40; alt. 2400 bd. lines 504-528-9666 and 504-522-4060
SportsLINE New Orleans 504-528-9666 3/24/92 Eric Semel [71271, 2472] 2400 bd; Telefinder;Fidonet 1:396/40; alt. lines 504-522-4060 (2400 bd) and 504-524-0480 (HST)
New Orleans MUG BBS 504-837-7984 3/24/92 Bob Nordling [70521,1327] 2400 bd;HS (PEP/v.32);Fidonet 1:396/13;$ NOMUG membership reqd for full access;new number
The \/\/ave 504-866-7710 12/05/90 2400 bd;HS (HST);FidoNet 1:396/40
Drawing Board 505-525-0844 10/1/90 OPUS 1:15/2
Call BBS 505-891-3840 9/8/90 Joseph Emmanuel RRH;FidoNet 1:301/4;HS (DS)
Caesar's Palace 507-895-8619 2/4/90 Kevin Capwell 2400 bd;HS;RRH;EE
Mac Mania BBS 513-561-2225 7/9/90 /Jason29/ Hermes;2400 bd;HS (v.32)
Grand Finale 513-683-1686 7/19/90 /ChuckW16/ 2400 bd;Hermes
Mega-Mac 513-779-3722 4/7/91 Kevin Clark /Kevin 5575/ 2400 bd;HS v.32/42;Hermes
Queen City Mac BBS 513-831-6079 11/12/90 2400 bd;Hermes
Mac a Mac 514-766-3653 09/23/90 Maurice Tringle 2400 bd;RRH;primarily French msg base;FidoNet 1:167/113;$25/yr for DLs
MAC-LINK 514-935-1652 9/4/90 Mark Smith, Henry See, Patricia Sullivan, Brian Chamberain 2400 bd;HS (HST);FidoNet 1:167/182;RRH;FidoNet 1:167/182;$60/yr;new number
Phoenix Red Ryder Host #1 602-870-1810 6/2/90 Joe Tvedt 2400 bd;HS;RRH;V;EE
First DIBS 602-881-8720 2/4/90 Jesse Tharin 2400 bd;RRH;FidoNet 1:300/7
Arizona Macintosh User's Group Preferred BBS 602-926-4026 4/26/91 Michael S. Bean 2400 bd;RRH;FidoNet 1:114/121;HS (DS);AMUG members only;$30 annual fee
EyeNet *HS* 602-941-3747 7/9/90 Leo Bores 2400 bd;OPUS 1:114/14;HS;aka Mac Shack, Stack Shack, Mac Wizards
Apple Power BBS 603-424-0371 1/31/91 Kevin McLaughlin /KevinMcL/ {Norsk} HS (v.32/v.42);Nova Link;second line 603-429-1309 (2400 bd);formerly MacSNAC
Apple Power BBS 603-429-1309 12/31/90 Kevin McLaughlin /KevinMcL/ {Norsk} 2400 bd;Nova Link;second line 603-424-0371 (9600 bd);formerly MacSNAC
Doppler/Deep Cove BBS 604-277-9920 3/3/92 Wayne Duval, Ron Weber (Mac Lib) [72040,542] 2400 bd;V;TBBS;Fidonet 1:153/915;IBM/Mac/Amiga/Atari;multi-line, see also -9940, -9960; licensed to distribute Apple System software online
Doppler/Deep Cove BBS 604-277-9940 3/3/92 Wayne Duval, Ron Weber (Mac Lib) [72040,542] 9600 HST;V;TBBS;Fidonet 1:153/915;IBM/Mac/Amiga/Atari;multi-line, see also -9920, -9960; licensed to distribute Apple System software online
Doppler/Deep Cove BBS 604-277-9960 3/3/92 Wayne Duval, Ron Weber (Mac Lib) [72040,542] 9600 v.32-14,400 HST;V;TBBS;Fidonet 1:153/915;IBM/Mac/Amiga/Atari;multi-line, see also -9920, -9940; licensed to distribute Apple System software online
Sunshine BBS 604-943-1612 6/2/90 Bob Cotter 2400 bd;RRH;EE
Hogs Hollow 604-948-0272 2/1/92 Fidonet 1:153/928
MacCincinnati BBS 606-572-5375 6/2/90
Memory Alpha BBS 607-257-5822 5/17/92
Dark Shadows 607-387-3403 5/17/92
MadMacs BBS 608-221-3841 4/19/92 Jerry Pophal 2400 bd;Telefinder;$15/yr for DL access;Madison WI MUG
Mac Line BBS 608-233-9487 4/19/92 John Allen /JohnA79/ 2400 bd;SS
We the People BBS 702-258-0660 2/1/92 2400 bd;FidoNet 1:209/765
Mac+ BBS 702-293-4655 11/12/90 2400 bd;Hermes
Nevada Mac - Home of A//MUG 702-359-4999 12/20/90 FidoNet 1:213/777;2400 bd;HS (HST/DS);Northern Nevada Apple // and Mac User Group;$30/annual for full access, $15/annual for NetMail & Echos
Western Type BBS 702-366-9107 09/28/90 Dave Gardner FidoNet 1:209/720;2400 bd
Craig's Place 703-241-5492 6/1/91 Craig Vaughan 2400 bd;FidoNet 1:109/342;RBBS;Mac programmers
Northern VA Astronomy Club 703-256-4777 4/29/90 RBBS;FidoNet 1:109/118
ASTEC Support BBS 703-338-6025 5/17/92 Rod Paine [72017,117] Telefinder;2400 bd;HS (Hayes ULTRA 144 units 14,400 bd V.32bis, 9600 bd V.32, V-series 9600 LAPB);BMUG vol II PD CD-Rom online; download Mac user interface application on first call; some free areas, annual fee for full access
Brewster's Barn BBS 703-352-1502 3/29/90 2400 bd;HS;FidoNet 1:109/30
Mount Olympus 703-524-7312 8/13/90 Nick Firsow /NicFirsow/ 2400 bd;Hermes
Byte Out of the Apple 707-747-5406 5/17/92 Gregg Phillips FirstClass;USR_DS v.32bis/HST
MacComm Connection 707-795-1721 10/26/90 Ren Just 2400 bd;FidoNet 125/14
WALL BBS 707-874-1135 11/12/90 2400 bd;Hermes
Working With Works 708-260-9660 8/30/90 Michael Sloan 2400 bd;SS
The Rest of Us (TRoU) BBS 708-291-6660 2/1/92 Steve Levinthal 2400 bd;V;USR Dual Std v.32;new number;Fidonet 115/400;TROUMUG user group members only, $40/annual fee for MUG
Ephemeral Hedgehog 708-293-1886 8/30/90
MACropedia (tm) 708-295-6926 4/26/91 Dave Alpert KB9CNU 2400 bd;HS (DS);SS;$30/yr for full access;FidoNet 1:115/295
Mad Macs 708-948-7008 9/14/90 Jason Fried /Reflex/ Hermes;2400 bd;HS (HST);on-line store
Brain in a Pan 713-480-7422 2/16/91 OPUS 1:106/260
MacEndeavour 713-640-2533 2/16/91 Brian Hall <BOS1A::HALL> 2400 bd;TBBS;FidoNet 1:106/6268
HAAUG Heaven BBS 713-664-9873 4/8/91 Clark Johnson [76077,2673] 2400 bd;2 lines;9600 v.32bis;Houston Area Apple Users Group members only, membership $35/yr
Galapagos 713-799-9016 2/16/91 Sal Berenstain 2400 bd;HS;Hermes
CMS BBS 714-222-6601 4/25/91 support board for Mac/Apple products
CMS Support BBS 714-259-4390 6/3/90 CMS Mac product support;2400 bd
Mountain Air BBS 714-336-6080 11/19/91 Paul White [70202,157] 2400 bd;WWIV;Mac & IBM
Smith Micro Software 714-362-5822 9/30/92 Bill Smith [76703,4401]
Comtelex Systems 714-643-9055 10/1/92 Geoff Simon 2400 bd;HS;multi CD ROM filebase;newswatch/wire services;online encyclopedia;online games;NYSE reports
Spider Island Software BBS 714-730-5785 8/16/90 demo of Mac-like comm interface (Telefinder)